
July 11, 2010

Ta Da!

Hi there and welcome. My name is Lisa and some of us have already met.

For those of you I am just getting to know, here is a little something about me. I am one of the founding members of The Salvage Studio. We had a shop in Edmonds, Washington and wrote a book, by the same title. So much fun!

I love to work on my nest, especially on the cheap! That started my love of salvaging in the first place. I am also an avid gardener and I love to cook. I am a willing slave to my many cats and have a long-suffering and patient husband, Doug, who hardly rolls his eyes anymore when I bring home a new pile (or truckload) of 'potential'.

Anyway, I have decided to start my own blog.

It will be a mix of:

personal observations and professional opportunities
cats and cooking
project ideas and inspiration
gardening and Goodwill shopping trips
and hopefully, fun times and friendship

because there is always a lot of that stuff going on around here!

Thanks for dropping by my Little House.


  1. I am the first!!!! Yippee! I love the banner. And I love you, my awesome big sister. Can't wait to see what you do on this new adventure.


  2. FABULOUS!!!


  3. So sad to hear about you ending Salvage Studio but I'm glad to be able to stay in touch through your blog. Your banner looks fabulous.

  4. Hi great to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. I am so glad you are doing well...seem to have found your niche, too!

  5. Hey Lisa... I think Timi might have a few spots left on the bus headed our way....just sayin'
    Lisa :-)

  6. Hey Uncovered! You are cracking me up...Alas, I won't be able to be on the bus. It is sure to be a great day!
