
September 16, 2010

It's a theme

Autumn crocus with a houseguest
I am thinking it is all about the garden this week. Does your life run in themes sometimes? Mine must. Interesting. I will think on that some more.
I took some of these photos at my Mom's over the seasons. She has instilled a love of nature and an awareness of the little things that are magical in our lives. Stopping to admire a spider's web; watching a bird make a nest; foraging for wild berries; the subtle color changes within a flower; planting spring bulbs in the fall and enjoying the surprise of them poking out of the ground in the spring. the snow!

Arum Lily...tried and true family favorite
I love the little things!


  1. I am so, so, so, so, so very deliriously happy that you are on my Garden Team! In fact, you are the leader of my Garden Team. In fact, it is pretty much just you and me and since I don't know squat about gardening, you ARE the brains of my Garden Team (I promise to provide some brawn).

    And I'm thrilled about that especially when I see the beautiful photos from gardens you love and know that my backyard has the potential to be beautiful, too!

    Knowing that you are planning my yard made me able to chuckle when the hardscape guy sadly but not unkindly said, "Yes, it IS unsightly" when viewing my yard.

  2. awww no wonder you're so're a gardener! Thanks for visiting Lisa, it was fun to get to know you a bit more. Ya, it's not the first time I've been called a rebel, thanks for getting me ;)

    deb @ Garden Party
