
October 29, 2010

We are having a baby!

Well, don't get too is the "royal" we...but exciting nontheless! My sister, Ophelia and her husband, Micah are expecting their first baby! We are all aflutter here. I FINALLY got the A-OK to tell the world.
Ophelia is through her first trimester, so felt comfortable with announcing it. It has been so hard to keep my mouth shut...and as some of you know (who 'knew') that wasn't easy. I was even telling strangers at the grocery store! That seemed alright...because 'they' wouldn't tell anyone we knew, right? And if you didn't know, don't feel bad...I must have been having one of my 'good' days.

Well, this is Mom's first grandchild so it is really big for our family. And since I was twelve years old when O was born she is kinda like my quasi-kid. No spoiling for this baby, huh?

I got out my scrapbooks the other day, looking at some early days photos...

Ophelia barely walking, waving to us 'big kids' playing outside 1976

O hanging with me at my first apartment. She loved coming over to spend the night! 1983

Ophelia and Micah on their wedding day, May 1, 2010

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat at the midwife appointment last Tuesday. Still takes my breath away!

Baby is due mid-May...we can hardly wait!

October 26, 2010

Ruffles and Rust and Resting

Ophelia and I on Blogger's Ball night...Thanks, Phil for making my lovely sash!
What a weekend!

Set-up went as smooth as silk...mostly.

Kay Mitchell of The Weathered Rose passing out delicious New York Cupcakes.
The Blogger's Ball was a glorious event filled with prom dresses, sparkly jewelry and laughter.

Julie Sotomura of Photomura in her blog finery. Love the sash made of photo slides!
Julie helping Cindy Pestka of Artgirl-Island don her sash.
Sale day on Saturday was non-stop shoppers, wide-eyed with wonder
for all that we had created to make this a special occasion to remember.

And tear-down took place at lightning speed...trying to avoid the rain
that had thoughtfully been absent for most of the weekend.

A big thank you to Timi and her Posse, my family and friends,
 the other talented vendors and the supportive shoppers who made us all feel so special.

And now we get to rest...until the next fun shindig!


October 25, 2010

A Family Affair

We all have family...some is by blood, some by marriage, some by some other bond...some other connection. 

My sister, Ophelia and my husband, Doug were my lifeline, support, minions and sanity before, during and after the great weekend adventure of Ruffles and Rust! I truly could not have done it without their love and support. Plus we had a ton of fun!

My junking family is my other bond and connection. They 'get' me. The love of the hunt; the creativity; the chippy; the treasures; the history of the junk. Like me, they see the potential; the beauty underneath. They don't judge...they support; smile; admire; accept.
I am a lucky girl!

My booth...warm and cozy!

So if you came to Ruffles and Rust, you know what I am talking about. It was a creative masterpiece. A great big room filled with hundreds (thousands!) of people with one goal in celebrate our collective creative process.

Necklaces I created from spoons and porcelain flowers.

There is still so much to process from the whole extravaganza. So watch for another post about this most marvelous weekend!

October 21, 2010


The truck is loaded and ready for set-up day for Ruffles and Rust. Whew...

I feel like we should have Granny sitting on top in a rocker!

Here we go......

See you soon!

October 17, 2010

Of course I wood!

No, it isn't a typo or a grammar snafu. I really like things made of wood. One of the happiest days of my life is when my friend Susan and I discovered I had hardwood floors under my ugly carpet!

I have been so busy assembling, creating, repurposing items for the Ruffles and Rust event (in less than a week! Yikes!) and my favorite things are made of wood; simple boxes, table tops, benches. Maybe it is because I love nature and trees; maybe it's the many grain patterns and colors of wood; maybe it is the warmth and strength it symbolizes.

And plain wood is transformed when waxed. Here is the difference between two wooden boxes. The top one is waxed with the Beeswax Wood Polish I made from Amber Dusick's recipe. It brings out the natural warm color of the wood. Yummy!

Hope to see you at the Show. Don't forget you can print out a $3 off coupon for Saturday's admission from my blog sidebar. Come visit me at Lisa's Little House!

October 14, 2010

What is your favorite 4-letter word?

Mine is FREE!

What did you think I was asking...really people, this is a family show!

My buddy, Cindy Pestka is teaching a free workshop on
this weekend at the Kirkland Library.
Cindy is a hoot-and-a-half and an excellent instructor.
You can get all the details on signing up on her blog, Artgirl Island.

October 10, 2010

A boy and his new tricycle

My man is notorious for bike accidents. Three big ones in the past five years. First time he busted his arm; second time his wrist; this last one he was lucky but still two months later the swelling hasn't gone down in his knee! So we (I) decided training wheels were in order. He has dreamed of owning a TerraTrike for a long time. And he has been eating so healthy and has lost nearly 30 pounds this past year, so frankly, he deserves this reward.

Friday he worked from home so he could be here when his new toy arrived. This trucked pulled up (how big is this bike anyway?)

and Doug was grinning from ear-to-ear as he ran to help unload his new mode of transportation.

Of course all this activity got the neighbors involved (we have the best neighbors EVER!)

and the unboxing ensued.

Then the playing in the box ensued.

We took turns taking it for a spin. What a fun ride!

So Doug has already logged onto Should I Bike to see if the weather is suitable for his debut ride to work tomorrow. Hooray for sun! And wish him luck!

October 7, 2010

A pumpkin pick-me-up

This was one of my selections. I love the twisty stem.
Wednesday was one of those days.
We all have them and they defy reason. 
A good thing would happen and then a yucky thing would happen.
I am pretty good at shaking that stuff off but enough was enough.

So I went out to the Farm and picked out my pumpkins!
Nothing like the sun, fresh air and pumpkins to cheer a girl up!
Take that, bad day! 

I have a ton of things to do today and as my reward this afternoon,
I am going to style my Fall Vignette at the front entry.
So it is a pumpkin pick-me-up two-fer.
Yesterday AND today!

October 4, 2010

Mums the word!

Tables of chysanthemums
I went plant shopping for my buddy Cindy Pestka's garden project at my favorite wholesale nursery, Vibrant Plants, out in Woodinville last week. I am a sucker for the plants...I can't lie.

One for Cindy...two for for Cindy...two for me.

Acres of plants in a pretty tapestry just begging to go home with me.
And I really had no business buying any plants. None. I told you...I am a sucker.

A couple of my selections...echinacea (in 2 colors) and gaura.
But, now I am really excited to rework a few beds this fall and these will find a happy home in the upper picket fence garden. It is visible from the front picture windows, so will be admired by us and the passers-by.

Yeah, that's it...that is why I did it. It will be our little secret...