
October 10, 2010

A boy and his new tricycle

My man is notorious for bike accidents. Three big ones in the past five years. First time he busted his arm; second time his wrist; this last one he was lucky but still two months later the swelling hasn't gone down in his knee! So we (I) decided training wheels were in order. He has dreamed of owning a TerraTrike for a long time. And he has been eating so healthy and has lost nearly 30 pounds this past year, so frankly, he deserves this reward.

Friday he worked from home so he could be here when his new toy arrived. This trucked pulled up (how big is this bike anyway?)

and Doug was grinning from ear-to-ear as he ran to help unload his new mode of transportation.

Of course all this activity got the neighbors involved (we have the best neighbors EVER!)

and the unboxing ensued.

Then the playing in the box ensued.

We took turns taking it for a spin. What a fun ride!

So Doug has already logged onto Should I Bike to see if the weather is suitable for his debut ride to work tomorrow. Hooray for sun! And wish him luck!


  1. boys and their toys... it looks like he will truly enjoy this one!!

  2. I've rarely seen an actual KID that excited at Christmas time! That is so, so fun to watch.
