
December 17, 2010

A Charming Noel

Today is our annual holiday charm swap...just a small group of great friends sharing a potluck lunch, laughs and charms...Heaven!

I created these charms from some pieces of metal probably from the front of a file cabinet. The bits of red paint were already on the metal. Bonus! I Mod Podged Midori paper on the back and printed out the NOEL on sticky-back clear paper (I use it in landscape design to label drafted plans on vellum) that I also Mod Podged over to protect the writing. Then I attached some bits of bling and a charm is born.

My fruit salad is made; hostess gift is wrapped; my charms are ready; now off to my charming day!

PS...I will post photos this afternoon/evening of the charms I received in return!

December 16, 2010

Holiday Goodness!

December Burger Day with the girls is always terrific....Burgers AND holiday gift exchange! This year I did my shopping at 2nd Saturdayz and I found the exactly right gifts. The Tree (for Beth) was from Lori of Cinnabarblue, the Mannequin (for Colleen) was made by Linda of Luluz and the Wreath (for Judy) was assembled by Deb of Garden Party.

Here is a close-up of the pretty wreath details.
Bunny always loves to help and is looking good in the Midori silk ribbon box.
I made some initial ornaments from wire and Midori silk ribbon as nametags. And I will post a super-simple tutorial on these next week!

Wrapped the gifts up in creamy dreamy pieces of silk sari, added some ribbon and the ornaments and the gifts were good to go. Fabric is a great wrap: recyclable again as wrap or can later be used in crafts and is very good for odd shaped items. And who doesn't need a piece of silk sari?

Happy girls with full tummys and full hearts!

Colleen, Beth, Me, Judy

December 13, 2010

2nd Saturdayz was #1

Loved being a vendor at last weekend's 2nd Saturdayz Holiday Show!

The lovely organizers, Linda and Deb, made us feel so special...even shared a beautiful and delicious dinner by candlelight with us...Ham and scalloped potatos from Geff and treats from some of the rest of the vendors. And the table was decked out, of course.

A few shots of my booth.

And some of my tiny treasures.

 I made the necklace from a drilled out serving spoon and attached the porcelain rose and added green rayon ribbon to suggest the stem.

The stockings were made from wire and then wrapped with silk Midori ribbon.

My friend Sara makes the best handmade soap...

This display by Dawn of Great Findz was breathtaking. She is so very talented.

Mom and Ophelia helped me set-up on Friday...Love them! And Doug was on duty for tear-down...Love him!
And a big thank you to all my friends that came by to say hello! Hope you had as much fun as I did!
Happy Holidays!

December 2, 2010

Hooray for Craft Days!

Tuesday was going to be an 'outdoor' project day, but Mom and I just didn't want to be out in the rainy rain. So we gathered up the shrunken, felted wool and a couple of cats and crafted all afternoon.

Spicy watching the thread go in and out...hard to resist.
Bunny just chillin'...
Mom has been working on these pretty 3-dimensional Christmas trees.

She hopes to have enough for a little forest on her coffee table this holiday.

I worked on pillows for the upcoming 2nd Saturdayz sale. I have always loved this wool blanket with its creamy dreamy background and soft rose flowers and holly leaves.

Now it has become some comfy cozy pillows.

Hooray for indoor craft days!