
December 17, 2010

A Charming Noel

Today is our annual holiday charm swap...just a small group of great friends sharing a potluck lunch, laughs and charms...Heaven!

I created these charms from some pieces of metal probably from the front of a file cabinet. The bits of red paint were already on the metal. Bonus! I Mod Podged Midori paper on the back and printed out the NOEL on sticky-back clear paper (I use it in landscape design to label drafted plans on vellum) that I also Mod Podged over to protect the writing. Then I attached some bits of bling and a charm is born.

My fruit salad is made; hostess gift is wrapped; my charms are ready; now off to my charming day!

PS...I will post photos this afternoon/evening of the charms I received in return!

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