
January 24, 2011

A Tutorial and Christentine Greetings

 Back on December 20, 1990 when we bought our Little House, we didn't have a Christmas tree. It just wasn't going to happen that year. So when I came home from work on January 25, 1991, Doug had purchased a living evergreen tree and had decorated it with Valentines and proclaimed it Christentine! So tomorrow is the 20 year anniversary of the first Christentine. We celebrate it every year with a 'Happy Christentine!' and some kind of blended decor. It works for rush to get the holiday tree down and I love red! Our newly redone bathroom is the perfect Valentine-y space with its red ceiling and black and white accents so the tinsel tree that was in there was the logical choice.

Pink dove from Ormolulu,
Red Feather Butterfly from Bountiful Home
Valentine Fat Book from a Red Lead Swap.
For the December 2nd Saturdayz Urban Market I had made some Ribbon Wrapped Wire Stocking ornaments and then for gift pizzazz I made some Initial ornaments. So here is a quick tutorial for Ribbon Wrapped Wire Hearts.

You will need:

18-gauge wire
Pliers (round nose, smooth nose, or needle nose)
Wire cutters
Ribbon (I used Midori silk, double-faced satin and velvet)

Cut wire to about 14" long. Use round nose pliers to make loop and then bend wire by hand into your shape.

Attach end of wire around inside of first loop and crimp closed with pliers.

Cut 1 to 1 1/2 feet of ribbon to wrap around wire (depends on  how large you make your heart).
Tie around wire at top of heart. Leave a little tail at the top.

Wrap, overlapping slightly each time around.

When you reach the end, tie off at the top to the existing tail of your starter knot.
Trim ends as you like.
A group of hearts....
You can add bling to your loop or bend up with pliers for hanging.
Here I added a chandelier crystal to the pink heart.
But it could be beads, charms, another heart.
Happy Christentine!


  1. You had me at "tutorial"! I love it!

  2. Yep, my eyes lit up when I saw "tutorial"! I leave my "winter" tree up until I feel silly because it is sunny and warm. I add winter birds and snow people. Now I will add wired hearts too. Thanks!

  3. I love the hearts! And what a sweet, wonderful tradition.

  4. So glad you all enjoyed the hearts...they are really easy peasy and fun to make!

  5. Hi,Lisa:
    What a lovely idea to have a Christentine tree! After all both holidays are remarkable celebrations of love and beauty. Thanks for sharing your sweet tradition AND your incredible heart tutorial. I'm going to make some to hang in the windows. Hugs! :)

    Peace, love, and happy hearts to ya,

    the garden cat

  6. Me again! I just wanted you to know how much fun I am having making hearts. Thanks again.
